Conversing On First Dates – A Guide By A
Professional Palm Beach Matchmaker
One of the most common complaints providers of Palm Beach Matchmaking Services receive from their clients is the inability to converse freely on first dates. The awkward silences can feel terrifying on first dates, especially to naturally shy and introverted people. Many avoid going on dates altogether just to avoid these feelings. However, that’s not a sustainable or a healthy solution. Conversing is an art that’s easy to learn. Most people are master conversationalists when they’re in their comfort zones. So, the trick is feeling comfortable in the face of immense awkwardness. Here’s how expert matchmakers help their clients achieve such high degrees of comfort on first dates -
Being Inquisitive
A simple rule every Palm Beach Matchmaker asks their clients to live by is - if you don’t have anything interesting to say to your date, allow them to do the honors. Ask him/her questions about their lives. Questions are guaranteed to get conversations rolling. Be it something as simple as “What do you do for work?” or something as complex as “Tell me about your favorite contemporary artists,” – as long as you have interesting questions lined up in your arsenal, you’re guaranteed to make positive impressions. Worst case scenario – your date thinks you’re a bit nosy. So, what? It’s better to put in the effort to spark interesting conversations than to act like a dullard.
Pay Compliments
Another great way of killing the excruciating periods of awkward silence is paying compliments. As long as the compliments come from your heart (they must be truthful), they always make the other person feel at ease. A simple compliment like “I like your shirt” can spark a super-interesting conversation. When people are complemented, they feel more comfortable. They’re likelier to return the compliments and spark a good conversation. Many people who seek Palm Beach Matchmaking Services either struggle with receiving or giving compliments. First dates offer the perfect chance to battle these struggles.
Listen and Laugh
The key to good conversations isn’t saying a lot of things – it’s listening to how the other person responds. A Palm Beach Matchmaker will train his/her client to read and appreciate two types of responses – verbal and non-verbal. Reading both of these responses is vital on first dates. If you don’t actually listen to your date, you’re likely to run out of things to say. Similarly, if you don’t read your date’s non-verbal responses, the conversation might turn sour pretty soon. Use the responses to understand your date on a deeper level. Always be equipped with follow-up questions based on the verbal and non-verbal responses you receive. More importantly, don’t refrain from laughing at things you find funny. Laughing sparks attraction. If both parties end up laughing through the first date, a second date is almost guaranteed.
Don’t Fail to Prepare
Although acting naturally is the best tactic for sparking free-flowing conversations on first dates, being prepared with information you'd like to share with your date never hurts your case. So, read up on the latest news, current events, etc. You have Internet on your phone, so there’s no excuse for not preparing! To read more Click Here